Bristol Sailing Association

The Association

We are a group of people who have a common interest in sail cruising. Most of us are not yacht owners. The Association is non profit-making, and arranges around 25 weekends and weeks each year when yachts are chartered according to the wishes of members. Mostly the yachts are used for cruising. However, club crews also take part in three or four races a year.


Commodore Kath Liddiard
Secretary Jock Playle
Treasurer Becky Goddard
Webmaster Chris Wallace


We are once again meeting as normal on board the barge Sabrina 6 on the second Monday of each month at 8 pm. Visitors welcome.

Further Information

Spellbinder for Sale - we will miss her
Bernard Smyth
Gosport 2017-03-01
Quartette and Gordon
