Trip on a 36ft Bavaria starting 2012-02-18
Winter Warmer 18th-19th Feb 2012 – report by skipper Phil Steele
The crew Bob Buchannan , Becky Goddard and Chris Baxendale and Phil Steele (skipper) picked up a 36ft Bavaria from Cornish Cruising on the Friday evening at Falmouth.
That evening we dined in a local venue in Falmouth which is only a 20 minute walk from the marina. The next day after a hearty breakfast cooked by Becky we set off to Fowey. The weather forecast was for SWF6 and occasional F7 with a risk of some rain. We left the Fal fully reefed expecting a brisk downwind sail with a plan to heave to in Mevagissey Bay
Once we entered clear air it was apparent that the sea was not too lumpy (8-10 feet) but the F6 was on the high side already. We proceeded well until a partial gybe of the genoa caused it to entangle itself about its own luff. We could not fully free it even after starting the engine and heading the boat, so we sailed on with an odd shaped foresail with the intension of sorting it as the wind dropped later that day.
As time went on the wind moved to a F7 and continued to rise to a sustained F8 making tea brewing very difficult. Lunch in the bay was cancelled but a weather forecast warned us to expect a possible F8 for a time soon. We sailed mainly on a port gybe which was not too bad but the starboard tack was a bit unfavourable for comfort. The only consolation with the starboard gybe was that with Becky sitting to leeward two big waves washed over the boat from the bow running green along Becky’s shoulders stopping her talking for about 30 seconds. Normal service was soon resumed at a higher volume at this time. Then came the rain, Bob noted that we reached about 13 kts SOG surfing down one wave.
On approaching Fowey the wind and waves relented and allowed us to sail to our mooring taking the chance to sort the jammed sail out. We stayed on the shore pontoon and enjoyed a seafood dinner in the Lugger that evening. Although the engine battery was ok this time the service battery was not so heating was not an option.
After another hearty cooked breakfast the next morning we set off fully reefed in a NWF6 for a brisk sunny sail on a beam reach at 6-7 K in a fairly flat sea.. It was suggested that we sail up the Fal because time allowed but on approaching land the temperature dropped, so an early finish with a late lunch in the marina was agreed.