Newsletter  BSAApril18


Yacht Started
Phoebe 2018-03-30



Newsletter April 2018

Contacts:Kath Liddiard (Commodore)01443 227928

Jock Playle (Secretary)0117 973 8855

Becky Goddard (Treasurer) 01749 346818

At the meeting on April 9th we welcomed Bill and Jade Barnes who have returned to Bristol after their Atlantic crossing and year in the Caribbean and east coast of USA.

Future Trips

1.1Alan Howells is skippering a cruise from Plymouth to south Brittany in May, for ten days from Friday May 11th to Sunday 20th. The Bavaria 36 has been chartered from Plymouth Sailing School and will be available on the afternoon of Thursday May 10th. This is fully booked and paid.

1.2Jeff Woolmer will skipper a weekend from Plymouth on a Bavaria 34 on June 1st – 3rd. This is now fully booked and will cost £68 per person, which is now due.

1.3Alan will also skipper a long weekend from Plymouth to Tréguier on Thursday August 30th – Monday September 3rd. There are two or three places available for this; will anyone who would like to join this trip please let us know at a meeting or contact Alan or Jock.

1.4Gordon Ogden and Chris Watts are skippering two boats from La Rochelle on June 2nd – 8th. This is now fully paid and Gordon and Chris are dealing with all arrangements for the crews.

2.Recent Trips

Trip reports –A reminder that Chris Wallace has asked for all members who provide trip reports to include the type and name of the boat, and the names of all crew, so that the reports can be completely listed and referenced on the website.

At the April meeting we had the following report from Ian Collins of sailing from Plymouth in the unseasonable weather of the Easter weekend.

Trip on Phoebe, skippered by Ian Collins


3News and Notices

3.1Sailing gear on offer. Lesley Kinsley is offering some of Nick’s sailing gear in return for a donation to the fund ‘Above and Beyond’ set up in Nick’s memory at the BRI kidney unit. Anyone interested in anything on the following list can contact Lesley, email

Musto Goretex jacket size L (well used)

Musto Goretex salopettes size M (well used)

Cyclone Typhoon Tuftex wetsuit size L

Neoprene bootees size M

Two Busta 50N buoyancy aids

Quayside boots size 41.

3.2Data Protection

On May 25th the current Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) will be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Under the DPA we did not have to register as all our membership data is used solely for internal purposes – sending newsletters or crew lists for example. However, the GDPR applies to all organisations that process data, including clubs such as BSA. There are no exceptions. ‘Processing data’ means collecting, recording, storing, using or transmitting members’ personal details (names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses etc.). The collection of membership data constitutes data processing. The RYA has issued advice on how sailing clubs can comply with GDPR.

Briefly, as a club we must inform members what data we hold and how it is stored and used, and obtain each member’s consent for this. ‘Consent’ will be BSA’s lawful basis for processing data. We also have to prepare a data privacy policy which members may access. Members must also be told of their right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office of any breach of the regulations.

There is a category of ‘sensitive personal data’ such as medical information which requires extra protection, but this will not apply to BSA. (We ask crew to inform skippers confidentially of any relevant medical issues, but this is not recorded and stored by BSA.)

Another separate issue is photographs. Crew photos taken during sailing may appear in newsletters, on the website, of the BSA Facebook page and we must obtain members’’ agreement for this.

A GDPR data consent form, using a template provided by the RYA, will be included with the BSA membership application form and, for existing members, with the next membership renewal form in October 2018. It is emphasised that members must give a positive opt in by signing and returning the consent form, or we will be unable to include their contact data in the membership list.

To comply with the GDPR until the next membership renewal BSA will use the data currently held ‘for the legitimate interests of the data controller’ (in our case the secretary). Members’ email addresses will be protected by using BCC (blind Copy) for mass communications (e.g. newsletters). Crew members’ email addresses and phone numbers will be sent to other crew members to aid trip organisation, unless any member informs the secretary that they do not want this information transmitted (except to the skipper).

Note that BSA does not publish a publicly accessible membership directory (which would require further restrictions and an annual payment). Only BSA officers, committee members and skippers are given a copy of all members contact details (but not some items on the database such as dates of birth or passport numbers).

Bsa April 2018 1