Newsletter BSAMar15
Yacht | Started |
Spellbinder | 2015-02-16 |
Quartette | 2015-02-16 |
Lady Emma | 2015-03-07 |
Newsletter March 2015
Contacts:Kath Liddiard (Commodore)01443 227928
Jock Playle (Secretary)0117 973 8855
Becky Goddard (Treasurer) 01749 346818
We welcome new member Steve Arnott.
Future Trips
1.1Alan Howells and Jeff Birkin will skipper two boats for a week from Hamble on May 8 – 15th for skippering experience. This is fully booked, including ‘non-skippering’ crew. Two boats have been booked, and a deposit payment of £100 has been paid by all going. A final payment of £142 will be due by April 20th (ref. May8H).
1.2Jeff Birkin will skipper a week’s trip from Milford Haven, aiming for the east coast of Ireland on Sunday July 5th – Sunday 12th. A Jeanneau 36i ‘Kalel’ (which Jeff has sailed before and really liked) has been booked. This is fully booked, and deposits paid. With six on board (the maximum allowed by Pembrokeshire Cruising) it will cost £232 per person – a final payment of £172 will be due by June 2nd (ref. Jul5MH).
1.3Gordon Ogden will skipper the Bavaria 44 ‘Bertie’ from Plymouth for a long weekend on July 16th – 20th. This is fully booked and will cost £235 per person. All deposits have been paid and a final payment of £165 will be due by June 1st (ref. Jul16P).
1.4Alan Howells has said there is a possibility, albeit vague at present, of arranging a ‘week plus’ to include the Helford to l’Aber Wrac’h race on June 26/27th.
1.5A weekend trip has been requested for early September, this may be from Plymouth, skippered by Alan Howells.
News and Notices
2.1Charter payments. Becky has asked that when members pay for charters that the payments are identified by a code specific to the particular charter. Each charter will be given a code which references the date and the initial letter of the location – see Future Trips 1.1 – 1.3 above. This code should be used as the transaction reference when paying by bank transfer, or written on the back of a cheque payment.
3.Recent Trips
At the March meeting there were reports from Don Hirst (Spellbinder) and Colin Hodges (Quartette) on a midweek sail of both PYC yachts skippered by Gordon Ogden and Chris Watts. The reports were given together, Don and Chris alternating à la Morecambe and Wise (or possibly Laurel and Hardy). The reports are printed below as two separate reports, which renders them rather more clearly than the stand-up comedy version given at the meeting. There is also a report by Bob Buchanan on the first outing of the year of ‘Lady Emma’.
Trip on Spellbinder, skippered by
Trip on Quartette , skippered by
Trip on Lady Emma, skippered by
Bsa March 2015 1