Newsletter  BSANov16


Yacht Started
Cleo 2016-10-28



Newsletter November 2016

Contacts:Kath Liddiard (Commodore)01443 227928

Jock Playle (Secretary)0117 973 8855

Becky Goddard (Treasurer) 01749 346818

Future Trips

Looking ahead to next year….

1.1At the last meeting several people approached Ian Collins to see if another weekend from Plymouth could be arranged using more than one boat. Ian has been in touch with Richard Brown at Plymouth Sailing School and we can have all three boats from Friday pm 3rd March till the Sunday normal 1600. Ian has made a provisional booking. Bob Buchanan will skipper one boat, Ian will do one and Alan Howells will skipper the third.

Will anyone who would like to join this weekend 3-boat trip please let us know – either at a meeting or email

1.2Gordon Ogden will skipper a midweek trip on a PYC yacht in February or March.

2.News and Notices

2.1Membership renewal

All memberships expired on October 31st and a renewal form was sent to all members. About 12 membership renewals are still outstanding. If you haven’t yet renewed please bring the form with your subscription to the meeting on December 12th. Alternatively, as the Treasurer is away until January, either send it with a cheque to the Secretary, Jock Playle, 3 Iddesleigh Road, Bristol, BS6 6YL or pay by bank transfer to the account of Bristol Sailing Association at Barclays Bank, account number 40853062, sort code 20-13-34, using reference BSAsub and your surname. If you pay by bank transfer please email to advise Jock and give any change of contact details.


2.2Christmas Dinner

Gordon Ogden is again very kindly arranging this, which this year will be at the Bordeaux Quay restaurant on Bristol Harbourside on Tuesday December 20th. 39 members have booked and should have sent Gordon their menu choices by December 1st. The meal is booked for 7.30, so meeting at Bordeaux Quay from about 7.00 pm would be appropriate.

2.3Night Pilotage

After a night entry to Cherbourg on October 7th, which skipper Alan Howells reported as “providing good practice in identifying lights and night pilotage” Alan was asked if we could have a teach-in on this topic. Alan has responded: “I intend to run a seminar (proper one with full participation) on this subject early in the New Year. Venue will be a room in a pub or possibly someone’s living room. Time and date to be agreed.


This is for people who are likely to use the skills in a reasonable timeframe – not for those with just a casual interest. Numbers will be small as it will involve looking at charts and almanacs and there are only so many people who can do that at the same time. If necessary I will run two sessions.


Anyone interested contact me on this email .”

2.4Meeting on January 9th.

The meeting on January 9th will be our annual Social Evening with a buffet. Alan Howells will again organise the buffet and asks that anyone who can help with providing food get in touch with him, email as above or tel. 0117 944 2618.

3.Recent Trips

At the November meeting there was a report from Neil Webber on the two-boat trip from Plymouth on October 28 – 30. Becky Goddard was due to report from the other boat but was unable to get to the meeting due to road closures. Becky was also to give a report on a charter from Southampton by the former ‘Lady Emma’ crew, so Bob Buchanan gave a brief report instead. These reports follow.

Also included are two downloads from the Cornell Barbados 50 rally. The first highlights the arrival of our members Bill and Jade Barnes in ‘White Ibis’, their Malo 39. Those of us who have been following their progress were relieved to see this, as for some time they were missing from the tracking reports after having had to return to the Cape Verde Islands for repairs. The other news is of former BSA member Tim Sandford, who received an award in Barbados for going to the aid of another boat in trouble in the Atlantic and transferring one of his crew (by swimming!) to help.


Trip on Cleo, skippered by Ian Collins


Jeff Birkin, who was on Becky’s boat, added that on the outward passage to Fowey they went via the Eddystone, and commented that on the return passage they ‘won the race’!


Charter from Southampton – brief report by Bob Buchanan

In Becky’s absence Bob reported briefly on a charter from Solent Boat Charters by the former ‘Lady Emma’ crew on the previous weekend. (Becky is now in Australia so there is no full report.) On the Saturday morning there was no wind when they left the River Itchen so they motored towards Yarmouth. The wind picked up and they had a good sail to Hurst Point. Returning to Yarmouth against the spring tide they had to motor, as progress under sail was backwards. They left Yarmouth early on Sunday morning for Cowes where they moored at Shepherd’s Wharf and had a good lunch at the Island Sailing Club. They then returned to the Itchen, remaining on Board until 08.00 Monday


White Ibis Arrives In Time To Celebrate Barbados Independence

By Cornell Sailing on 30.11.2016

Event(s): Barbados 50, Islands Odyssey Destination(s): Atlantic Ocean, Barbados

William and Jade Barnes on White Ibis – Credit Sönke

Despite over 2000 miles of ocean to cross, British yacht White Ibis timed their arrival to Barbados perfectly, docking in the Barbados 50 marina on the morning of the island’s 50th anniversary of independence.

Former Bristol residents William and Jade Barnes joined the sailing rally in the UK some four months previously, having done very little bluewater sailing until then. The concept of the rally to celebrate Barbados 50 inspired them to join and make the thousands of miles trip, gaining valuable experience along the way.

The new arrivals receive a warm welcome from fellow rally participants already docked at the Barbados 50 marina – Credit Sönke Roever

Shortly after the start from Mindelo in the Cape Verde Islands on 9 November, White Ibis had to turn around and fight its way against the prevailing winds. They had  suffered several breakages, none of them serious, but still had to be dealt with before the long crossing of the Atlantic. After two days of working in Mindelo Marina, they set off again on 11 November and made a relatively fast passage in spite of the light and often absent trade winds.

Barbados 50 transatlantic rally - Emergency on the high seas

By Cornell Sailing on 23.11.2016

Event(s): Barbados 50 Destination(s): Atlantic Ocean

20 November – Rally Control have received this message from Pete Cropper on the yacht Modjadji, also sailing in Barbados 50:

Oysterbar have lost their steering cable so crew are hand steering with their emergency tiller.

In strong winds and large swell, the crew of Holger and Karin Binz found it very hard to keep the 50 ft Hanse 505 on course. Unable to use their autopilot, they found it exhausting to handle the boat on their own.

22 November –  Report from Tim on Gloria of Southampton

We have spoken to Oysterbar. We are 15 nm due south and have altered course to intercept them which will be in about 3 hours

Our crew Ty is happy to go across to their boat, he’s a whizz mechanic so can have a look at the issue.

22 November – Update from Modjadji:

Ourselves, Maggie Drum, Laridae, Assante, Tourterelle & Gloria are trying to get closer to Oysterbar so we can offer some assistance with their steering failure.

22 November –  Update from Gloria:

Transferred Ty Stainfield to Oysterbar at 2100 (22.11.16).Ty will stay on-board Oysterbar until arrival at Bridgetown.We are currently shadowing Oysterbar and will stay in touch over the next 12/24 hour in case further assistance is needed. Any further updates will be posted by email as and when necessary, both on board Oysterbar are in good spirits.


23 November – Report from Holger on Oysterbar:

Jimmy, just want to let you know that Gloria set over Ty who get the autopilot running. He will stay with us. We will make it! What a great community this Barbados 50.CheersHolger

23 November –  Update from Gloria:

Autopilot sorted and worked through the night. Enough fuel to motor through to Barbados if needed.Working to get the sail plan right to make use of 20knt wind which will reduce pressure on auto helm which is running hot. All onboard now well rested and well fed. Aiming to arrive early on Saturday 26.11.16


23 November – Update from yacht Gloria on crew transfer operation:Although sea condition did not allow us to come alongside Oysterbar as this could have caused structural damage to both boats, the waves were only 1 meter so a ‘wet’ transfer was the best option, we discussed inflating our dinghy but wanted to complete the transfer well before darkness fell. My decision was to run a warp with a fender from the leeward aft quarter of Gloria while we were upwind of Oysterbar. I instructed Oysterbar to lower their swim platform and bathing ladder and to trail a warp with a fender.

Ty then used the warp as a safety line and swam downwind from us to Oysterbar – with warps in the water there were sufficient bale out options should boarding Oysterbar prove difficult. In the end it was straightforward. We then sent a throwing line across to allow Oysterbar to haul across a grab bag with Ty’s personal effects.


Tim receives his award

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