Newsletter BSANov19
Yacht | Started |
Ippoliti | 2019-09-14 |
Sea Shanty | 2019-10-18 |
Bsa Nov 2019 5
Bsa Nov 2019 5
Newsletter November 2019
Contacts:Kath Liddiard (Commodore)01443 227928
Jock Playle (Secretary)0117 973 8855
Becky Goddard (Treasurer) 01749 346818
Extraordinary General Meeting
A brief EGM was held before the monthly meeting to consider the following proposals to boost funds for the payment of charter security deposits.
Proposal 1. In order to build up sufficient reserve funds to enable BSA to pay charter security deposits, it is proposed to introduce a levy of £2 per person on board for each full day of a BSA charter (i.e. per night on board) until sufficient funds have been raised. In the interim period before reaching this position members would be asked to volunteer to make a loan of an amount chosen by the member. Such loans would be documented in a formal loan agreement and would be repayable on December 31st of the year of the loan, unless the member asks in writing for it to be continued for a further 12 months.
Proposal 2. Proposed addition to Section 5 of the Association’s Rules – Trips and courses
New rule 18h.The payment to the Association by participating members will include a premium of £2 per member per day in order to build up a reserve to fund security deposits
An amendment, proposed by Phil Steele and seconded by Peter Wakeling, to charge a levy of £5 per trip instead of £2 per day, which would simplify the administration, was approved by the meeting.
Subject to the amendment of £5 per trip, both proposals were approved by the meeting, with no votes against and one abstention.
Monthly meeting
Future Trips
1.1Looking ahead to next year, our boat handling trips led by Alan Howells and Jeff Birkin have proved so successful that it has been suggested that those who wish to go on future ones should fix dates for the coming year. One date has been proposed by Jeff, the weekend of April 3 – 5, the first weekend after BST starts. Will those who would like to go please let us know.
2.1Membership renewal. Membership renewal for 2019/20 is now overdue – about 15 members have still to renew. A renewal form was sent to all members last month. If you haven’t yet renewed please bring this to the meeting on December 9th. Payment by bank transfer is preferred, to the account of Bristol Sailing Association at Barclays Bank, account number 40853062, sort code 20-13-34, using reference BSAsub and your surname, and please email the Treasurer to advise her and give any change of contact details. . If you do pay by cheque, send it payable to Bristol Sailing Association to the Treasurer, Mrs R A Goddard, 29 The Old Silk Mill, Coombe Lane, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5XA, or bring it to the meeting.
If you have decided not to rejoin BSA it would be very helpful if you would inform the secretary (either email or phone, details on the cover letter of this newsletter).
2.2Christmas Dinner. Our 2019 Christmas Dinner has been booked at last year’s venue, Aqua, Welsh Back, Bristol. This will be on Tuesday December 17th, at 8.00 pm for 8.30. The list of those going with their menu choices has been sent to Aqua and booking is now closed.
2.3January meeting Social Evening. As usual, our January meeting on the 13th will be a social evening with a buffet and raffle, all free. Although Alan Howells will not be coming to meetings before then he has again offered to organise the buffet and asks for anyone who can help with providing food (of the ‘finger buffet’ variety) to contact him during December if possible. BSA will refund all costs. Please contact Alan on 0117 944 2618, email .
3.Recent trips
Trip reports A reminder that Chris Wallace has asked for all members who provide trip reports to include the type and name of the boat, and the names of all crew, so that the reports can be completely listed and referenced on the website. Photographs sent to would also be very welcome.
At the November meeting we had reports from Becky Goddard on a weekend from Plymouth skippered by Jeff Woolmer, and from Peter Wakeling on a Greek charter in the Cyclades.
Trip on Sea Shanty, skippered by
Trip on Ippoliti, skippered by