Newsletter  BSAOct12


Yacht Started
Koru 2012-08-17
Liver Bird 2012-09-10
Sapphire 2012-09-27
a yacht 2012-09-22
Lady Emma 2012-09-18
Karoto 2012-09-22



Newsletter October 2012

Contacts:Kath Liddiard (Commodore)01443 227928

Jock Playle (Secretary)0117 973 8855

Jane Jenkyn (Treasurer) 01275 880318

At the meeting on October 8th we welcomed new member Nick Hay and Clint Webb as a guest.

Future Trips

Phil Steele has booked a midweek trip on the PYC yacht Quartette on Monday November 5th – Wednesday 7th. Following a cancellation there is now a place available. It will cost £60 per person, payable on the day. Please remember your cheque books so that Phil can forward the payment to PYC

Phil will also attempt another ‘Xmas Lights’ trip in December on the weekend of the 15/16th. This will be from Plymouth on either the GK 29 or the Jeanneau Sunfast 37, depending on the number of crew, aiming for Fowey if the weather allows.

Phil will skipper another midweek trip on the PYC yacht Spellbinder on Wednesday January 9th to Friday 11th. Anticipating short crossings to and from Cowes, with its range of chandlers, Phil is calling this one the “January Sales” trip, and all places were quickly booked at the meeting.

Gordon Ogden gave advance notice that he hopes to skipper a midweek trip on a PYC yacht during February.

2.Recent Trips

At the October meeting we had reports from Jeff Birkin on the trip he skippered to the Scilly Isles in September, Don Hirst on a long weekend from Plymouth skippered by Alan Howells, and Nick Kinsley on the ‘Whisky Trail’ sailed in NW Scotland with Malcolm Price as skipper. Becky Goddard described a day sailing with Tom Cunliffe as instructor, and Sue Fowle reported a CSSA charter in the Dodecanese. These reports follow, after the report by Kath Liddiard on the “Day Skipper Plus Plus” weekend which she gave at the September meeting.

Naomi Gillingham also gave a short report of a very enjoyable charter from Nautilus Sailing in the south of France from Bormes marina, visiting Cavaliere, Porquerolles, Port Grimaud and St Tropez (at the surprisingly low cost of £55).


Trip on Koru, skippered by

Trip on Liver Bird, skippered by Jeff Birkin


Trip on Sapphire, skippered by Alan Howells

Trip on , skippered by Malcolm Price

Trip on Lady Emma, skippered by Richard Romaine


Trip on Karoto, skippered by

3.News and notices

3.1Membership renewal

Membership renewal forms were sent recently to all members whose membership expires on October 31st. Please bring these with your subscription to the meeting on November 12th, or follow the details on the form to send to the Treasurer or pay by bank transfer

3.2Xmas Dinner

Following last year's very successful Xmas meal at the Avon Gorge Hotel in Bristol we have decided to repeat it this year. A booking has been made for the evening of Tuesday December 18th. The cost will be £20 per person, with a similar menu to last year. Gordon Ogden is organising the booking and will ask for your menu choices in due course.

3.3BSA Rules

Following some misunderstandings this year which have led to the club losing money on some charters we intend to clarify the rules for booking and paying. The proposed Rule revision was sent to all members with the AGM minutes, and will be put to an Extraordinary General Meeting for approval immediately before the meeting on November 12th.

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