Trip on Cherry B starting 2014-02-28
St Davids all at sea – report by Ian Collins
28th Feb
at 1630 Brian Adams
and I collected “Cherry B
” a 34ft Barvaria from Plymouth Sailing School’s berth. We then motored down to Yacht Haven Marina pleasantly awaiting the arrival of Kath Liddiard
and Rhian Philips
in the Bridge Restaurant and bar.
With a full crew, a drink ashore and a bedtime bottle aboard we were sharply away next morning at the crack of 1030 with intentions on Fowey. With no wind worth a mention we raised the mainsail hopeful that it may encourage some. It didn’t. So we motored at 6knts on a swell designed to upset even the crispest bacon butty.
With Looe to starboard we met our nemesis. Strung out as far as we could see and about 6 to 12 metres wide was a raft of floating debris, fishing nets, cargo nets, pots, ropes, timber plus the usual detritus, spun together with copious quantities of assorted seaweeds.
Rhian on the helm took the best line through what appeared to be mainly clumps of weed. Regrettably about 8inches below the surface was a cargo net wrapped round with rope and fishing gear; it wrapped round the prop. The engine ground down but before it sighed it’s last we were able to slam it in reverse and throw some of it clear. At just above 1000 revs what remained round the prop created a bad shudder. We decided to return to Plymouth.
Making only 2knts we chugged gently up and down the slick. With Brian as lookout on the bow we found a gap and managed to creep on our way. Later for a brief 20 mins we were able to run out the Genoa and achieve 4.5knts before the wind once again moved elsewhere. I never realised Plymouth could be so far away.
Having contacted Richard at the school and explained what happened he met us at the berth and commiserated at our spoilt day. He waved aside our apologies and offered us a free w/e charter which we will be taking on the 25th April.
On board for the Saturday night, we enjoyed a superb omelette cooked by Kath and tidied up the wine locker and Brian’s homemade cider. With a good night’s sleep broken only by bottoming out. A leisurely breakfast at the Bridge made a fine end to our trip where we may have failed at a night in Fowey but still had a really great weekend.
Secretary’s note: You would have thought that Kath and Rhian could have organised a better outcome on St David’s Day…..?