Trip on Gweilo starting 2008-08-15 in BSASep08

Weekend from Plymouth, August 15 – 17, report by Jenny Ball.

Skipper: Malcolm Price.Crew: Jenny Ball, Jill Hunter, Sonia Russé, Penny Luck and Jon Wood.

Boat: Bavaria 37 “Gweilo” rfom Liberty Yachts, Queen Anne’s Battery MarinaMap, Plymouth.

On Friday night we did arrive,

our skipper Malc, with crew of five.

Sonia, Jon and Jill and Pen

Malc, of course, and me, that’s Jen.

At midnight hour sailed into FoweyMap

and tied up to a visitors’ buoy.

On Saturday it poured with rain

No sailing then but can’t complain,

we had our G & Ts on deck –

the sun came out. Flipping Heck!

At Sam’s we had a super meal

and everybody took the wheel.

A flock of bats Jill did espy

She did not hear the seagull cry.

“Nature’s not my thing” she said

as seagulls flew around her head.

“I’ll make a cup of tea instead”.

On Sunday on our homeward sail

we managed to avoid the gale.

We made 6 knots and sailed due east

and nobody was ill, at least.

Gweilo brought us safely home

We’d travelled land and sea and foam

But when we filled the fuel tank

we were surprised to see

70 litres we had used.

In truth, how could that be?

The folk who sailed before us

Had not filled up the tank.

We felt a bit annoyed at this

- quite angry, to be frank.

4 hours motoring we had done,

and that is not a lot.

Had they done a runner?

perhaps they just forgot.

Or maybe Gweilo is to blame

Translated, ghost man is her name.

Secretary’s note: Liberty Yachts quickly confirmed that the engine hour meter showed that our crew had not used all this fuel, and we received a refund which has since been distributed to the crew.

Queen Anne's Battery Marina  50.3646,-4.1324
Fowey  50.3349,-4.6323