Trip on a yacht starting 2016-08-19 in BSASep16

Plymouth to Tréguier and Jersey 14 - 19/8/2016 – report by Ian Collins

On Sunday the 14th August at around 1400, sun shining and the wind non-existent, six of us met on the Yacht Haven Quay, PlymouthMap. From BSA, Richard Trim and Julian Brenardand myself, but this trip was conceived as a family jolly across the Channel so there were Adam and Sam my twin sons and my cousin Bob Pike.

I'd bought the groceries and left the important responsibility of the drinks to Richard. So allowing the boys and Bob to get kitted out in Sailing School wets, we fuelled and away into the Sound by 1530. We raised the sail as a challenge to the wind’s negative performance while motoring on into an idyllic summer’s evening. The night brought the wind, and the wind brought the waves. With wind speeds from 18 into the lower 20's on a rough end of moderate sea we made good time to catch the rising tide at TréguierMap arriving at the marina pontoons just after midday. After an easy afternoon, and as the evening cooled we climbed the hill to take a table at the top of the square and enjoyed a very pleasant meal.

Tuesday was our "day of rest”. Lots of wandering, stopping regularly to examine the bottoms of glasses that had required emptying. Eventually another meal, in another restaurant, very French, more wine, very nice.

Wednesday 0750 and it was down the river on a falling tide and away to Jersey. What little wind there was came gently from the NNE. Exactly the direction we were going. So we motored, and motored, and motored on a flat calm sea; but with our sail up. A triumph over commonsense, perhaps but never let it be said we lack optimism. Then JerseyMap; locked in and rafted up we wandered around a town centre that could have been anywhere in the UK mainland eventually ending up in a typical British chain owned and operated pub with a typical pub menu, served typically by a pleasant Polish girl and her shirty Spanish colleague; just like anywhere else in the UK, but with tax benefits.

Leaving around 0930 to catch the gate, we grabbed our tax benefits fuelling up, then after stooging around to allow the ferry to race away we cleared the island and set course for Plymouth. On an overcast day on a calm sea, against a weak kneed wind that had backed NNW. That's straight on the nose! Sail up, if only for show, we motored on. The weather and the forecast seemed at odds, but, as evening came closer we tucked a reef into our resting sail. By midnight the reef was right. Wind had increased now blowing 20 to 26 kns which raised the waves once again to a lively, moderate sea and as the night progressed the wind steadily backed to the West getting stronger. It goes to show you may not believe the forecast, you may not trust what they say, but it pays to prepare for them to be right.

Another swift crossing found us moored behind Drakes IslandMap as dawn forced her way through the rain and mist, being tossed about but resting while the wind wore itself out. By midday the boat was fuelled, cleaned and handed back while we moved onto the A38 then to the M5 and the worse traffic jam in the west this year. I would have even forgiven the wind on my nose to have been back at sea.

Plymouth Yacht Haven  50.3586,-4.1215
Tréguier  48.7872,-3.2215
St Helier  49.1811,-2.1167
Drakes Island  50.3522,-4.1525