Trip on Ventis Secundis starting 2021-09-24 in BSAOct21

Becca’s Buccaneers September 24th 2021 – report by Becky Goddard

Boat : Delphia 40 ‘’Ventis Secundis’’ from Liberty Yachts in QABMap Plymouth

Skipper : Bob Buchanan

Crew : Becky Goddard, Becca Paulino, Colin Evans, Hugh Hayward and Dave Winks.

We all met up about 1600 on Friday afternoon and after handover enjoyed our meal aboard, courtesy of Becca ..a delicious curry.

Saturday morning dawned very quietly, no wind and thick fog! It didn’t seem to lighten much and by 1100 we were discussing going home! Then Bob suggested we motor out to Cawsand Bay and see what the visibility was like in the Channel. Lo and behold the vis was good so we set off for FoweyMap, engine only, arriving about 17.30, and berthing on a mid-river pontoon.

Sundays forecast was much better!

We had checked the water taxi was running until 2230 but had not been able to book a table for dinner at the Lugger or The Ship, but we went ashore for beer and a wander round town anyway (we had the makings of an emergency meal on board). We discovered that The Galleon offered a first come first served system instead of booking and managed to secure a table overlooking the river. Having placed our order we expected a long wait but the food arrived in about 20 minutes and it was really good both in quality and quantity! Highly recommended!

As we had had to book our refuelling time at QAB (14.30 – 1500) in advance plus we had to return the boat by 1600 we slipped our mooring about 0945 and raised the full main and genny - encountering a gentle F3 from the South. The sunny weather and perfect sailing conditions made up for the previous day and we berthed into QABMap about 1500. (our fuel cost £14.00!)

After lunch and hand back of the boat we left for home.

Ventis Secundis is an older boat actually owned by Simon of Liberty Yachts. She handled well (with to Colin’s delight a bow thruster) but despite an ample saloon the berths were a bit on the cramped side.

Thanks for a great weekend Bob.

Queen Anne's Battery Marina  50.3646,-4.1324
Fowey  50.3349,-4.6323
Queen Anne's Battery Marina  50.3646,-4.1324